Sunday, 4 September 2011

Roundhay Park Series - Darren

1/250s, f/10.0, ISO 100

1/320s, f/11.0, ISO 200

1/400s, f/10.0, ISO 200

1/400s, f/11.0, ISO 200

1/250s, f/8.0, ISO 200

1/250s, f/4.0, ISO 200


  1. Hi Darren,

    Could you post the picture of the ice-cream girl or some of the shots you took of the cricket game. Curious to see the difference between your shots and mine.

  2. Hi Adam,

    Sure thing. I didn't include originally as wasn't as happy with the final results as with some of the others, but I'll add this evening when I get home...
