Friday 1 July 2011

Brazilian Dancer - Corporate Event in Bath - Adam

Brazilian Dancer
1/100s, f5.1, ISO 400, 109mm
Photo of a Brazilian Dancer I took yesterday evening during a coporate party in Bath. Lots of colour!

Brazilian Dancer 2
1/100s, f5.1, ISO 400, 109mm

This shot is a little clearer than the first one but it wasn't my first choice as the background is a little too busy for my tastes but still a vibrant photo. If you prefer this one please let me know as I find your incite very useful (@David(s)) Oh and Darren you can't see the hole in her tights in this one ;o)

One for the ladies...

Capoeira Dancer
1/180, f4.1, ISO 400, 74mm

Couldn't resist a landscape shot from the garden at Hamswell Hall -Bath. This hall was built here for the spectacular views across the valley

1/420. f5.1, ISO 200, 109mm

All these shots are taken with my Fuji F50fd Compact camera

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  1. Adam. I take my hat off to you. I can see that you are "suffering for your art". As with you it was the colour which principally drew my attention.

  2. Difinately some camera shake here. Clearly needed a quicker shutter speed!
    Like the "arrangement" :)

  3. I was suffering this morning David after a free bar from 14:00 - 0400 :) the 4.5 train ride back to Leeds from Bath didn't help.

    @davidc The compact I was using doesn't provide manual shutter mode only aperture. I tried the 'sports' mode but the Latino ladies can really move!

  4. I have added a few more photos to this post so take another look :o)

  5. At first I thought the second Brazilian dancer photo was the better but on reflection I think the first is more interesting. The second is static. The first shows the young woman doing what she does. I would just crop it to just below her belly button at the bottom (getting rid of the distracting and not very attractive hole in her tights) and on the right to cut out the not terribly exotic and somewhat mundane "no entry" sign hanging above the pathway.

  6. think I might prefer the second brazilian dancer shot, as it seems more natural and I love the splashes of vibrant colour!

  7. Thanks @David,Darren,

    I will give that crop a go later.

    The best bit of the second shot for me is the fact her eyes are open. I prefer portraits of people with interesting eyes and that is what is missing from the first shot.
