Brief 1
We were asked to bring in two photographs, the first to represent our aspirations so I chose this image that I found whilst searching for images online, I really like this image because not only its technical and compositional merit but I also admire the great character and humour the photographer has captured.

My second photo was one that I shot when i did my national diploma in Photomedia at Leeds college of Art and Design. It was taken using Black and white film which I processed my self and made this print from, its definitely one of my favourite photographs that I had took during my time at college and its representative of the kind of photograph subject matter I like taking pictures of grimey industrial things.

Brief 2
The brief asked us to take a photograph that represented "My Leeds" so I decided to attempt a self portrait of me at work at home in my workshop, taking a self portrait was rather challenging to say the least not only for practical reasons but also compositionally and comments were made for how i could improve on the overall composition by removing some of the items in the background.

Week 2 Practical - Still Life (cabbage)
During our weekly class David brought in a cabbage for us to photograph here's what I got.

The difference a moment makes, Note the softer shadows and more evenly exposed cabbage in the first photo and the sharper shadows and brighter highlights in the second photo.

The cabbage in close up the light was shining through the window from the left which back lit the cabbage leaf creating an interesting translucent effect.
Brief 3
The third brief for me was a to re-attempt the previous self portrait with the recommended improvements.

I also decided to take some photographs of my dad blowing out the candles on his birthday cake.

This picture is cropped to loose some distracting things in the background and I think it it helps to emphasize the subject matter too.
Brief 4
For this brief we were supposed to choose an object that meant something to us and photograph it at three different times of the day, I think I stretched this brief a little bit.
Ok for some crazy reason I decided to go up on the roof towards sunset one evening (13/06/2011) and take pictures of the chimney and roof as the sun went down.

This picture was taken at 19:34 ISO set at 200 aperture F8 1/250 sec. I had to over expose this by +0.3 to get the chimney properley exposeed so it didn't under expose it (making it silhouette).

This one was taken at 19:44 ISO 200 aperture F10 at 1/400 sec. I had to under expose by -0.3 to avoid over exposing.

And finally this one was taken at 20:17 aperture F10 1/1600 sec. I had to compensate the exposure by -1.3 stops to avoid over exposing the sky.
Brief 5
And now for something a bit "jewishy" (yes I did make that word up).
I was fortunate enough to be able to go along with David to Both the Etz Chaim and the BHH Synagogues to take some photos and here's some of the pictures I took.

Possibly the only nice architectural feature in the entirety of the Etz chaim Shul.

A bit of photo stitching.

1:3 And G-d said, Let there be light: and there was light.
1:4 And G-d saw the light, that it was good: so he got out his old box brownie (because he hadn't invented digital yet) and started taking photo's Then G-d divided the light from the darkness which meant he then had to invent the flash so he could take photographs at night.

This shot ha some photoshop work done on it but I will leave you guessing what I did for now, I might put a before and after shot up on another post.
Brief 5.1
As well as taking photos at the shuls I decided that I wanted to do something a bit more personal to me so I set up a still life with some of my own personal items that happened to be gifts given to me for my barmitzvah.
I took quite a few shots trying out various compositions but here is my favourite.

I set the items up out side to make use of the lovely sunny weather (between the rain showers). Photographing reflective objects can be a complete nightmare as I pretty much found out with this so some photo-shopping was done to remove an unpleasant reflection from the kiddish cup.
Tip of the day: When photographing reflective objects get a sheet of white paper and hold it up near to the object but out of frame this helps eliminate reflections, you may need a willing assistant to help you do this and moving the paper and the camera around until you find the best angle will help,
Ok so that's it for now but there are my Roundhay park pictures to come very soon ....
Nice post Paul,
ReplyDeleteMakes it easier to read when you keep everything in the same post but that is probably the OCD in me :o)
From the bottom up. The Becha shot is very nice. (@Everyone) If you haven't clicked on the image to see the full sized version I recommend it as the reflection of the talis it very well done.
I would say the background is a little too blurry for my own taste and could be a little more subtle so you can just make out the writing on the art scroll. Obviously only something that can be fixed if the blur is added post processing
This shot is also an excellent contrast to David'd shot of a Becha. Similar idea but very different outcome.
I actually prefer the self portrait shot in Brief 2 to the second one. Yes there is less clutter but I think the composition and framing of the shot is nicer. If you got the camera setup the same as brief 2 but with the tidy background in the re-take then it would be a winner for me.